Saturday, July 23, 2016

Free Ebooks 7/23

My two little ebooks are free today (and one is also free for several more days).

Fish Story - A Three Story Sampler
Sampler of the stories from Mixed Bag and Mixed Bag2.

Fish Story - Colonists to a distant planet find salvation in a fish.

The Vision - Charlie can't get terrifying images out of his head, but why?

Chilpequin 22 Miles - The bartender is big and hairy. Could it be? Nah, it couldn't. Could it?

Lemons and Other Kid Tales
With photo illustrations. Will continue to be free until 7/26.

Lemons - Karen is horse crazy. One day, it seems like everything is going wrong.

One Fine Dog -  Pa and Eddie are doggone amazed by how Pete protects his sheep.

Practical Cat -  Boots really wants to go outside, but once she escapes, she wants right back inside.

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