Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cool Music and an Update

UPDATE: I mistakenly gave a virtual sex change to MR. Lee Fitzsimmons. My apologies. I often am mistaken for male (I even got rushed by a fraternity), so I know he'll just get a laugh out of it.

EVEN BETTER UPDATE: Lee is willing to swap music for a link on your blog or website. You can contact Lee on Twitter at @LeeFitzsimmons (how easy is that!).

I just discovered a musician and writer, Lee Fitzsimmons. His music clips are terrific and free for download. I asked him about using the music for book trailers, and you do need to buy the license to use at

Lest you go, "aw, damn, I don't have any money to spend on music!" note that Production Trax does have royalty free music (pay once, use many), sound effects, and all sorts of aural and visual goodies. It's worth checking out as an addition to your list of media sources.

Click over to Lee's website to listen/download a bit of soft rock and roll, jazz, symphonic, reggae, or whatever tunes you up.

Lee's also an author. His novella, "The Endarkening" is available at Amazon.

In the darkness, things are not always what they seem to be...

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