It appears that the Norse also used various codes. Passing along secret messages about the next raid? But what can you make of the code which reads "Kiss me?" Um, maybe the Norse were just having some fun with language. Oh, those barbarians! Not only could they read and write with runes, they could also add playful coded messages.
I didn't need a coded message to find this fascinating article about Rune codes. I found it in the G+ Vikings Mythology group. Now that I know the base site, I'll get to explore more of the science behind the myths.
Read Mysterious code in Viking runes is cracked on the Nordic Science website.
Can you figure out the jötunvillur code on this piece of wood? Hint: I mentioned the interpretation above.
If you read runes, maybe you can parse the code from this piece written in both runes and code. The author is a bit of a braggart. Since it's a bit difficult to even see the markings, I'll help you out. It says, "These runes were carved by the most rune-literate man west of the sea."
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