Monday, June 10, 2019

New Audio Books Coming Soon

A bit of fill-in here as I wait for the new audio books production and release. The two books are being narrated by Chiquito Joaquim Crastro. The books are a set of Arabian Nights style stories as narrated by Abu Nuwas, an elderly story teller who sits on a rug in a bazaar offering his stories for ... well, whatever the market will bear.

I thought it would be nice to put up a billboard (this blog post) notice these audio books are in production and coming out in July (probably). I thought a nice intro to the two book series "Tales of Abu Nuwas" would be to show you the lovely book trailers I created. I'll do them one at a time.

A girl, a genie, a few demons. What could go wrong? 

Abu Nuwas sits in the bazaar on his threadbare rug; a cup and sign proclaim him a teller of tales. For one small coin, he bids passers by to listen. A poor girl, Najda, sells spices from a tray. Would he, she asks, trade a tale for a packet of spice? Abu Nuwas agrees and begins the epic adventures of a girl and her genie. 

As did Scheherazade before him, Abu leaves Najda hanging in the middle of each yarn to keep her coming back. Between stories, he questions the girl about her life. He discovers that she’s been promised in marriage to an old man whom she hates, but she must wed him to save her sick mother’s life. The rich bridegroom will pay for the doctors the mother needs. Meanwhile, Najda sells spices in the market to earn enough money to keep her mother alive.

He relates the adventures of Setara, the bored daughter of a rich merchant, and her genie, Basit, as they encounter the creatures of legend and folklore: a lonely cave demon seeking a home; a flying, fire-breathing horse who has lost his mate; a dragon searching for his family; an evil genie hunting for the man who put him in a lamp; and a merboy prince cast out of his undersea kingdom.

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