Friday, July 18, 2014

The Call on the Dead Club

My good friend, Lorrie Struiff, is quickly turning out whole book under her own banner. She's been knocking herself out to issue a couple pretty close to the way they were previously published (by some small publishers). THE CALL ON THE DEAD CLUB is a compilation of five of the Winnie Krapski-Ghost Whisperer stories, plus a really funny bonus story titled "Splat."

Buy The Call on the Dead Club at Amazon, Kobo, and Nook. Lorrie will have all the links to all the books on her blog eventually. She might even get to doing that before she collapses in a puddle on the floor.

Did I mention all of the books are also going to be in print? Yes, indeedy. For the near term, the print books will only be available through Amazon. This stuff takes time, you know!

THE CALL ON THE DEAD CLUB by Lorrie Unites-Struiff

Come and meet Winnie Krapski who hugged a cherry tree during a lightning storm. The bolt slammed her, splitting the tree in half. The near-death experience bestowed her with a gift–one she’d rather not have.

Drafted into the C.O.D. Club (Call on the Dead) by Fat Phil Phillips, her mission is to grant the newly deceased’s ghost one last reasonable request. Can Winnie honor her oath?

Well, she tries. But, not before she stumbles into situations that almost get her killed. She’s one spunky broad. Follow her adventures.

Barnes & Noble

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