Thursday, February 27, 2014

Meet Country and His Buddies

Welcome Sharon Willett! She's brought some of her characters over for a chat about the first two books in the series: COUNTRY AND THE ROCK and COUNTRY CAPTURED.

Marva, so nice of you to ask me to visit with you and your friends. You mentioned that I could bring the guys from my trilogy. I could only talk three of them into joining me, but these three are in every book.

First I should tell you a little about the first book, Country and The Rock. Earth boys meet a young alien (Clicker) that wants to know what it’s like to be a kid on Earth. They’re plagued by some bad aliens (Venaticians) that are stealing from Earth. Clicker is a good alien. He and his group are trying to stop the Venaticians.

Oh, here’s Country the star of all three books.

Hi, Ms. Dasef. I’m glad to be back on Earth. Ms. Willett here, had me in another galaxy. I hope I’m back to stay for a while. I live in Michigan on a small farm. My dad works nights and the farm during the day. I help out, but he’s a pain to work with. Everything has to be perfect; I’m only twelve. I hope I’m not telling secrets because the last book isn’t even completely written, but we found out how much we really do care about each other.

Thanks, Country, it was fun sending you on that adventure. Stick around there may be questions you’ll need to answer. I’ll go on and give a summary of book two, Country Captured. The Venaticians take Country to the planet Sory trying to make a deal. Country escapes when they land and ends up saving the subterranean Sorians.

Clicker, step over here please. You’re next for introductions. I hope none of you will stare at his forehead. Yes, it does look like the inside of a fish’s gill and you might notice a change in the color now and then, but he wouldn’t hurt anyone. His real name is Moave and he’s from the planet Sory in the Whirlpool Galaxy.

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak. Hello and thanks, Marva Dasef, for the hot chocolate. If anyone has questions about me or my planet I’d be happy to answer them. Ms. Willett has an explanation of what my clicking and squeaks mean on her website.  Is it all right if I sit down now?

By all means, Clicker, have a seat while I fill them in on the last book in the trilogy. The working title is Country Unleashed. Country and Miguel are stranded on the planet Sory for a short time before coming back to Earth to free our planet from the thieves that are stealing our fossils and tearing down the Rocky Mountains.  Excuse me, it’s sometimes hard to keep these boys in line.  Miguel, what are you doing?

I’m practicing swagger so maybe I can impress everyone. I talked to the other guys. Brady’s off in Europe with his parents, Colt had a race today and Mason said only sissy boys would come to a place like this. I tried to tell him it’s almost as good as being on TV. I’m here to tell you book three is my favorite because I get to wear this cool bracelet that takes you wherever you think. I found out you can’t let your mind wander.

Thank you, Miguel. That did get you into some trouble. I see the bite has healed.

For buy links and other information, visit Sharon on her website at

Buy Country and the Rock at MuseItUp Publishing or Amazon
Buy Country Captured at MuseItUp Publishing (coming soon to other stores)

We’re prepared to answer questions, so maybe we should move on to that portion of the program.


  1. Hi Sharon, Marva, Country, Clicker, Miguel:) I'm so excited to see you out and about sharing your story like this;) Big hugs to all of you - I'm one of your biggest fans...and have shared your stories with my grandchildren. Your adventures together are so, what I wouldn't have done to have something like that happen to me when I was twelve...well...maybe even now - is there room for another passenger going to Sory? *smiles*
    Thanks so much for sharing your adventure and experiences - Miguel, I do want to know what happened in that zoo on Sory...can you share any of it without giving away too much?
    Hugs to all of you...can't wait for Country Unleashed:)

    1. Thanks, Ms. Davis, you helped me win the bet with Country. I bet I'd be the first asked a question. Anyway, here's the short answer. I headed for the dinosaur exhibit, but landed in with these dragon-headed snakes called Rakes. Can you believe it, the Sorians made me give my bracelet back.

    2. Miguel...I know about those scary!! Glad you made it out all right. Thanks for answering my question:) I'd love having one of those bracelets...but I'm not sure I could control my thoughts enough to use them correctly...Yikes!

  2. Nice to meet all you characters "in person." However can a few boys save the Rocky Mountains? I guess I'm going to have to wait to find out.

    1. Sandy, thanks for dropping in. I guess you will have to wait for the answer to that question. It gets complicated.

  3. When Country is on Clicker's planet he is hungry, he goes to the fridge says what he wants and opens it and there is whatever he asked for. How does that happen??

    1. Hey everyone, Logan is my grandson and I'm so pleased he's here for a visit. Country, would you answer Logan?

      Hi Logan, there is a computer governing the Venatican ship called 'central system'. The food wasn't as good as my mom's, but I ate it. Thanks for the question.

    2. Hi Logan:) I'm one of your Grandmother's friends...I love her stories:) Nice to meet you.

    3. Hi Susan nice to meet you to. Did you like my grandmas book?

  4. So nice to meet Country and Clicker in person. You have had quite the adventure and it's been fun to ride along with you. :)
    Charlie Volnek

    1. Thanks, Charlie. You've been there from the beginning. Love the cover you did for Country Captured, shown above.

  5. You got this party rolling (like a rake) before I even woke up! So, everybody, thank you all for dropping by.

    1. This is a great place to be. Thanks for having us.

  6. Sorry I'm late! Work does that to you! But wanted to say how much I especially enjoyed the second book! Liked the first one and passed it along to a couple of youngsters I know, but that second book! Loved teh part where he was on the Venatican ship and was a prisoner... well sort of... but yes. And I agree, the 'magic fridge' was better than at home. In all honesty, I became suspicious of the Venaticans EARLY in the first book and just knew they were up to something. When I read in book II they didn't off Country an Ketchup, well, that sealed the deal! What is up with their aversion to Ketchup? Who wouldn't like Ketchup???

  7. Well, you put new batteries in the wireless keyboard and then you can write stuff like they didn't OFFER Country any Ketchup. Sorry for the typo, but what's this about Ketchup?

    1. Can you even imagine not liking ketchup? Work all day and still find time to check out blogs. What a guy. Thanks!

  8. It's great hearing from the characters. They're such fun! Great stories, Sharon. Thanks for sharing. - Allison

  9. Allison, I hope to be commenting here about your new book, Candle Witch, coming out in just days. Congratulations. Can't wait to read the finished product.

  10. Sharon, I never thought I'd enjoy reading children's books for my own enjoyment, but you have changed my mind on that from the very first page of Country and the Rock until the very end of Country Captured. I must say that these are books that I will enjoy again and will hand down to my grandson. I know he will love Country's and Clicker's adventures as much as I did. I can't wait for the next book!!!

  11. Margaret, you make me blush. Thank you for your kind words and for reading kids' books. *Big Smile*

  12. Sharon, you've been a super guest here. You're welcome back anytime. I thought I should mention I finished the 2nd book, but haven't had a chance to write a review yet. Coming soon!

    1. So anxious to know what you thought of it.

  13. Not disappointed. Thank you for the great review.
